Evidence-Based Account Management

Training That Results In Action!

Market Knowledge

ProFusion’s catalog of e-learning courses builds an understanding of key influences in your market

Critical Thinking 

ProFusion’s proprietary training assets build the critical thinking skills necessary to interpret the complex healthcare marketplace and how it impacts prescribing decisions


We teach full Matrix Teams to collaborate in executing goals and tactics they mutually define to achieve Brand/Sales goals

The Account Management Process

ProFusion works closely with all interested stakeholders to develop a fully comprehensive training process customized to your needs

Know the Market
Learn the structure and function of the marketplace in which your customers operate
Know the Customer

Deploy ProFusion’s proprietary research tools to collect the evidence that defines each unique customer

Interpret Evidence
Interpret evidence revealed from market research and identify opportunities
Execute Tactics
Collaborate with Matrix Team partners to develop strategies and tactics to support brand strategy and take action!

Training Assets

Construct your own curriculum using ProFusion’s array of training assets to ensure a thorough understanding and application of market access concepts

E-Learning Courses

From foundational to advanced topics, ProFusion’s e-learning courses lay the groundwork for understanding the market access environment

E-Learning Courses

Building a Foundation

In order to recognize and interpret key data within one’s territory, individuals must first understand overall concepts within the healthcare marketplace. ProFusion has an extensive catalog of off-the-shelf e-learning courses to introduce market trends and elaborate on how varying stakeholders are adapting their business decisions as a response to those trends. 

Learn more about course features HERE

Field Coaching Guides

Provide first-line sales leaders with tools to coach each sales rep on how to apply what they’ve learned to their territories

Field Coaching Guides

Making a difference in the field​

Training should result in a change of behaviors. ProFusion’s Field Coaching Guides are tools used by sales managers to help representatives take action steps based on what they’ve learned. The Guides are printable and specifically designed for application during ride-alongs or remote coaching.​

​Each Guide contains several important features:

Pull-through Webinars

Pull-through learning from Home Study with customized webinars facilitated by ProFusion

Pull-through Webinar

Solidifying Understanding

Pull-through webinars provide the opportunity to apply knowledge learned from e-learning courses to the team’s specific customer base and product. This is an opportunity for internal stakeholders to provide input on topics to focus on and desired takeaways. The parameters of the webinar are completely customizable, from length to topics to participants.

Webinars are built and facilitated by ProFusion to be interactive.  Depending on the size, some activities could include:

Retention Campaigns

Push a series of knowledge checks to learners to reinforce key learnings and gauge understanding

Retention Campaigns

Lasting Effects​

ProFusion’s retention campaigns ensure learners can recall key points from their training courses. The campaign spans four weeks beginning the day after completion of the course. Learners will be asked to complete six exercises, and will be ranked against their peers on a “forgetting curve”. ​

​They will receive notifications for six quiz exercises that consist of up to five quiz questions from the original course along a set schedule after course completion.

Research Tools

Properly managing a geography requires deep knowledge of the customer. Our research tools guide the user on uncovering the customer’s business model

Research Tools

Know Your Customer​

ProFusion has developed proprietary research tools designed to collect a comprehensive profile of the prescribing customer. The tools have a heavy focus on the influence of local integrated delivery networks as well as the payers that create the product access environment in each territory.​

A Research Workbook lists specific features of an individual territory, and why it is important to collect each data point. A Customer Profile Sheet captures the results of the research. Interpretive webinars follow the research effort, helping individuals understand how their own customers specifically operate as a business, and thereby create a unique prescribing environment.

Interactive Workshops

Activity-based workshops challenge learners to apply learning through case studies mimicking their customer universe

Interactive Workshops

Account Management Training

The Value Perspective Model uses these live workshops to apply knowledge about the market, learned through pre-work training, and about the customer, discovered with ProFusion’s research tools, to begin defining strategies. Matrix team collaboration can be maximized through these workshops.

ProFusion will work with internal stakeholders to develop real-world scenarios the team may encounter to challenge them to consider market and product access before calling on a customer.

Beyond Expectations

ProFusion’s model helped us redefine the health system account management process across our Matrix teams. The project initiated in one business unit, and now other business units have joined in because it has had an impact!
Maria Zuza
Director of Market Access Training
Thanks for everything, the meeting achieved everything we sought to do. The training from content, to facilitation to team engagement delivered.
Senior Director, Value & Access
Payer Account Management Training

Sample Flow

An example of how ProFusion’s training assets can be utilized to achieve Evidence-Based Account Management 

Know the Market

Training Assets

  • Marketplace Pressures
  • The IDN Business Model
  • How Physicians Get Paid
  • Accountable Care Organizations
  • The 340B Program
  • Retention Campaign
  • Pull-through Webinars
  • Sales Teams
  • Area Business Leader
  • Account Executive
Know the Customer

Training Assets

  • Marketplace Research Workbook
  • Customer Profiling Sheet
  • Area Business Leader
  • Account Executives
Interpret Evidence

Training Assets

  • Evaluating Opportunities Workshop
  • Influence Mapping Worksheet
  • Sales Teams
  • Area Business Leader
  • Account Executive
  • Regional Business Leader
  • Medical Liaison
  • Opinion Leader
Execute Tactics

Training Assets

  • Strategies & Tactic
  • Development Workshop
  • Sales Teams
  • Area Business Leader
  • Account Executive
  • Regional Business Leader
  • Medical Liaison
  • Opinion Leader

Manufacturers Restricting 340B Sales to Contract Pharmacies

  • Abbvie
  • Amgen
  • AstraZeneca
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Eli Lilly
  • Merck
  • Novartis
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Sanofi
  • UCB
  • United Therapeutics
  • and more…